
Smart and reliable water and wastewater infrastructure systems for our future cities in India and Germany

Pilot cases and examples

All developed planning tools including the flowcharts are applied to practical pilot cases. In this project we investigated until now two Indian and two German examples. The data availability and conditions in the pilot cases differ; but nevertheless we investigate the cases with the same tools, eventually with some country adapted moduls.

Pilot cases in work are parts of the water and sewerage systems in Kempten and Ochsenhausen (Germany) und Coimbatore (India). 

Ongoing Model simulation works for Urban drainage and water supply model for Kurichi Pilot area, Coimbatore,India: 

TWIC (with help from all team partners): Most of the data that is required to illustrate the planning process and tools to the pilot area Kurichi (part of Coimbatore in state of Tamilnadu in India) has been collected. Most of the data collected was in AutoCAD and standalone format Gaps in data have been found and filled by appropriate interpolation methods. It has been geo-referenced and vetted. Data has been converted to a format which is needed by the ++ software. Simulations are now being made to test the model for variants and to apply the flow chart steps for pilot areas for conventional, advanced and as well as the smart planning methods. The results and learnings from the simulations and flow chart applications for the pilot case area will be documented to ensure that the learnings will be used for planning of other similar projects.

Figure 1: Picture of Map showing the aerial view of the Pilot area in Coimbatore in India

Figure 2: Picture of Map showing the model in ++Software platform form of sewer network & water network of selected pilot area in Kurichi in Coimbatore, India